
A web app with Nickel: From first line to Heroku deployment

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Occasionally people ask about Nickel projects that they can dig into to get a feel of some real world Nickel code. In case you never heard of Nickel, it’s a web application server written in Rust. We thought it’d be nice to write a simple web application with Nickel, deploy it to Heroku and blog about it.

Defining the scope of the application

What’s better than dog fooding your project? Dog fooding two of your projects at once! In case you missed it, with the help of awesome contributors, we created Clog which is a small tool to generate nice changelogs from semantic Git histories. Clog parses commit messages that follow the Angular commit message conventions which are quite popular among many projects such as Angular, angular-translate, Hoodie, Nickel, and many more. Clog started as a fork of the Node.js based conventional changelog project but has since moved on to follow it’s own ideas.

Let’s build a website that lets you generate a nicely formatted changelog for any public repository on GitHub - right from your browser. Let’s keep that as simple as possible and focus on the important parts.

  • Use Nickel to build a JSON API that can be consumed from a frontend
  • Make Nickel serve an Angular application as static html so that frontend and backend are nicely decoupled.
  • Deploy the app to Heroku

Bootstrapping our Nickel application

This article assumes a basic understanding of Rust. If you’ve never built anything with Rust before, the Getting Started section of the official Rust book should answer all basic questions.

The easiest way to bootstrap a Rust project is through Cargo: Rust’s official package manager.

cargo new clog-website --bin

This will create a new directory clog-website with a ready to go “Hello World” app. We can compile and run the application with the following command.

cargo run

In order to use Nickel we first need to add it as a dependency to our Cargo.toml file. At this point the Cargo.toml should look like this.

name = "clog-website"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Your Name <[email protected]>"]

nickel = "*"

Now that we added Nickel as a dependency, let’s try to make our server return a simple “Hello World” for any request. Replace the code in the file with the following.

extern crate nickel;

use nickel::Nickel;

fn main() {
    let mut server = Nickel::new();
    server.get("**", middleware!("Hello from Nickel"));

However, when we try to execute our little app with the cargo run command we run into an error.

$ cargo run
   Compiling clog-website v0.1.0 (file:///Users/cburgdorf/Documents/hacking/clog-website)
src/ 9:55 error: no method named `get` found for type `nickel::nickel::Nickel` in the current scope
src/     server.get("**", middleware!("Hello from Nickel"));
src/ 9:55 help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is in scope; the following trait is implemented but not in scope, perhaps add a `use` for it:
src/ 9:55 help: candidate #1: use `nickel::router::http_router::HttpRouter`

The reason for that is quite simple. Even though the HTTP Verb handler registration methods such as get, put, post and delete appear to exist directly on the Nickel object that is returned by Nickel::new(), they are in fact methods from the HttpRouter trait which just happens to be implemented for the Nickel facade object.

Traits are an extremely powerful concept of the Rust language but it’s out of the scope of this article to explain them in detail. If you haven’t fully groked them yet, I recommend to head over to the trait chapter of the official Rust book.

Luckily Rust’s compiler is smart enough to give us the right hint here. We need to bring the HttpRouter trait into scope. Since Nickel exposes that trait on it’s top level module we can simply change our import to this.

use nickel::{ Nickel, HttpRouter };

Once we have brought the trait into scope, the methods become available on the Nickel facade object. You may think of them as extension methods.

Great, after we fixed that issue we can run our server with cargo run and point our browser to to finally see the text Hello from Nickel. That wasn’t too hairy, was it?

Generating a changelog

In order to generate our first changelog we need to do three things.

  • Clone the repository that we want to generate the changelog from
  • Generate the changelog with Clog
  • Delete the repository to clean up the file system of the server

In order to achieve the downloading part, create a file called with the following contents.

use std::process::Command;
use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind};

pub fn clone (repo_url: &str, into_directory: &str) -> Result<String, Error> {
    let output = try!(Command::new("git")

    match output.status.success() {
        true => Ok(String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).into_owned()),
        false => Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, format!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr))))

We won’t go through the code line by line. It should be pretty clear to understand just by looking at the method signature. It takes an URI to a Git repository and clones it into whatever path was specified with the second parameter. It returns an Result<String, Error> that either carries a String with the message that was send to stdout or an Error that carries a String with the message that was send to stderr.

Before we are going to use that, let’s move on and write the code that will interact with Clog. We create a file called with the following contents.

use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::path::Path;
use std::io::{Read};
use clog::Clog;

pub fn generate_changelog (repository: &str, repo_url: &str) -> String {
    let mut clog = Clog::with_dir(repository).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
        panic!("Failed to clone repository: {}", e);
    let changelog_file_name = format!("changelog_{}.md", repository);

    let mut contents = String::new();

        .map(|mut f| f.read_to_string(&mut contents).ok()).ok();



This method takes a &str parameter carrying the path to a local git repository and the GitHub url of that repository. Clog needs to know the GitHub url in order to generate links to issues. The method returns a String carrying the generated markdown changelog. The method also takes care of deleting the repository as soon as the changelog was generated.

We now have the basic building blocks to generate our first changelog. Let’s move on and do exactly that! We change the file to look like this.

extern crate nickel;
extern crate clog;

use nickel::{ Nickel, HttpRouter };

mod git;
mod clog_interop;

fn main() {
    let mut server = Nickel::new();

    let repo_name = "some-unique-id";
    let repo_uri = "";

    git::clone(repo_uri, repo_name).ok();

    let changelog = clog_interop::generate_changelog(repo_name, repo_uri);

    server.get("**", middleware!(&changelog as &str));

Let’s shed some light on the code. In order to use Clog we first need to add it to our Cargo.toml file as we did before with Nickel. Then add an extern crate clog; statement. We also need to add mod git; and mod clog_interop; in order to have the compiler include those modules. Otherwise it would be just two Rust files that happen to be placed in our project directory.

The rest should be pretty straight forward. We hardcoded the repo_uri to fetch the Angular repository and clone it into a local folder called some-unique-id. We probably have some work here down the road to get that production ready.

The most interesting part is the &changelog as &str for the middleware! macro to return on every request.

This is a common source of confusion for newcomers but Ryman from the Nickel team did a great job to explain it here.

The gist is that the handler gets called again and again for every request hence you can’t move the String since it could only be moved once.

If we start our server again with cargo run and open up the website in the browser we should see something like this.

Raw Clog Output

Hooray! That’s a markdown formatted changelog of the Angular project.

Working with JSON data

We now have our server to clone a repository, generate a markdown changelog and return it to the browser as is. That’s all nice so far. In order to create something slightly nicer and more flexible we need to build a proper JSON API that can be consumed from a frontend.

Let’s sketch out what the JSON request and response objects may look like.

Request Object

    "respository": ""

We don’t need anything apart from the repository itself so far. However, we may add things like version_name or subtitle later on to expose other Clog features to the frontend.

Response Object

    "changelog": "the formatted markdown string",
    "error": "foo"

Let’s keep the response simple as well. There is nothing much we need apart from the changelog itself and an optional error message in case something didn’t play out well.

In order to accept and return such JSON objects we first need to create new structs. Let’s call them ClogConfig and ClogResult and create the files and respectively.

#[derive(RustcDecodable, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct ClogConfig {
    pub repository: String,

#[derive(RustcDecodable, RustcEncodable)]
pub struct ClogResult {
    pub changelog: String,
    pub error: String

In order to avoid manual JSON parsing and formatting code we can have Rust automatically implement the RustcDecodable and RustcEncodable traits for us.

With those two structs in place let’s write a POST handler function that can accept and return those JSON structures."/generate", middleware! { |request, response|

    let clog_config = request.json_as::<ClogConfig>().unwrap();

    let result = if let Err(err) = git::clone(&clog_config.repository, &repo_name) {
        ClogResult {
            changelog: "".to_owned(),
            error: err.description().to_owned(),
    } else {
        let changelog = clog_interop::generate_changelog(&repo_name, &clog_config.repository);

        ClogResult {
            changelog: changelog,
            error: "".to_owned()


Let’s take a closer look at the code. First, we use to register a handler that answers POST requests to the /generate endpoint. The middleware macro that we previoulsy used with a simple string is now being used in it’s block syntax form and also gives us access to the request and response objects that we’ll need to cover all aspects of the handler.

Nickel supports parsing JSON bodies out of the box with it’s json_as method. The catch is that - just as before with the HttpRouter - we need to bring a special trait into scope to use that functionality. But let’s not get distracted by that for now, we’ll take a look at all the needed imports in a moment.

After we’ve parsed the JSON into our clog_config variable which now holds an instance of a ClogConfig, we can move on and try to clone the given repository. Now that we don’t hardcode the repository anymore we need to plan for typos or other reasons why cloning of a repository may fail. If cloning fails, we simply set changelog to an empty string and error to whatever error message was returned.

Otherwise we generate the changelog as before and set changelog and error accordingly. Notice that in Rust even if/else constructs work expression-based so that we can write the code in a way that is more concise and puts the let result = right before the if.

Last but not least we need to use json::encode to transform our ClogResult into it’s JSON representation before we return it to the caller.

That was a bunch of new code and it actually leaves out an important part: we had to adjust our imports and even the Cargo.toml to adjust for new dependencies.

extern crate nickel;
extern crate clog;
extern crate rustc_serialize;

use nickel::{ Nickel, JsonBody, HttpRouter };
use clog_config::ClogConfig;
use clog_result::ClogResult;
use rustc_serialize::json;
use std::error::Error;

mod git;
mod clog_interop;
mod clog_config;
mod clog_result; 

The biggest suprise here may be that JSON support is currently not baked into the standard library but instead needs to be pulled in via the rustc-serialize crate. Another catch here is that in the Cargo.toml one has to add the crate as rustc-serialize = "*" (hyphenated) whereas in Rust code underscores are being used.

Great! We are almost there. We can already use curl to try out our API.

curl '' -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' --data-binary $'{\n  "repository": ""\n}' --compressed

There’s still one big flaw though. We are still cloning into a directory called some-unique-id. For every request. This will break apart as soon as we have two simultanous requests to our API. Let’s change the code to actually use real unique names for the directories that we clone into. And again, there’s a crate for that. It’s name is uuid.

With that crate in place, the fix is as easy as setting repo_name from inside of our handler to a unique string.

let repo_name = Uuid::new_v4().to_string();

We’ll leave out the changes to the imports this time. If you have trouble figuring them out, feel free to jump to the final solution.

With this change in place our API is pretty much ready to use. We can improve ergonomics a little further with a parser for the repository name so that one doesn’t have to type out the entire URL of the repo. This will be in the final solution but I’m not going to cover it here, it’s a very simple step after all.

Serving a frontend

Now that we have our API in place, we just need a simple frontend to serve as a basic use case. If we would aim for a proper scalable solution, we’d most likely not serve the frontend from the same server that serves the API. For the purpose of this blog post and to show off Nickels features, we will just keep the entire project together.

We won’t cover the frontend part in the same depth as we did for the backend. You can simply jump to the repository on GitHub that contains the entire code that was written for this post.

Let’s just assume that we are building a simple web app with a text input for the user to enter the URL to a repository on GitHub and a button to request the changelog from the API that we built.

In order to serve the frontend we will just create a directory called assets with subdirectories for css, js and templates. We will place an index.html in the templates folder and have that one include JavaScript and CSS files from the js and css directories respectively.

In order to serve the frontend we have to tell Nickel to just statically server those files.


We will create two individual mounts for assets and assets/templates so that we have the index.html exposed on the root level but the JavaScript and CSS exposed through it’s subfolders.

Rendered Clog Site

Voilà! We have a real working website.

Deploying our application to Heroku

Now that we have our app running just fine on our development machine wouldn’t it be nice to actually ship it for the world to see? Let’s do exactly that and host it on Heroku. Hosting a Nickel app on Heroku is quite easy these days. If you’ve never worked with Heroku before, you first need to register at their website and download the Heroku CLI tool that we will use for the next steps.

Once you have the Heroku CLI installed and logged in, you can simply create the app endpoint from your existing repository through the following command.

heroku create demo-clog-website --buildpack

Notice that the first parameter of the heroku create command will be the name that Heroku will use as a subdomain to serve your site. So in this case it’s

This will also add a new Git remote called heroku to your repository. Deploying the site is as simple as running git push heroku master.

$ git push heroku master
Counting objects: 28, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (24/24), done.
Writing objects: 100% (28/28), 5.73 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 28 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Compressing source files... done.
remote: Building source:
remote: -----> Fetching custom git buildpack... done
remote:  !     Push rejected, no Cedar-supported app detected
remote: HINT: This occurs when Heroku cannot detect the buildpack
remote:       to use for this application automatically.
remote: See
remote: Verifying deploy....
remote: !   Push rejected to demo-clog-website.
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to ''

Awww snap! We seem to be missing something as Heroku rejected to build the app. Heroku is capable of hosting apps with all kind of different tech stacks. The way that works is through special buildpacks that configure the server. When we created our app we set the buildpack to an unofficial (yet, usuable!) buildpack for Rust. But we are still missing two important files to give Heroku the right hints how to treat our program.



The RustConfig file tells our buildpack which version of the Rust compiler we want to build our app against.


web: ./target/release/clog-website

The Procfile tells Heroku which command to invoke to start the process. Since Cargo puts the executable at target/release/our-app-name we have to set this up accordingly.

After we created and committed both files to our repository we deploy our site again with git push heroku master. The deployment should run just fine so let’s check the live site.

Heroku Application Error

The live site just yields a generic Heroku error page, so let’s dig into the output of the heroku logs command.

heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command `./target/release/clog-website`
app[web.1]: Listening on
app[web.1]: Ctrl-C to shutdown server
heroku[web.1]: Error R10 (Boot timeout) -> Web process failed to bind to $PORT within 60 seconds of launch
heroku[web.1]: Stopping process with SIGKILL
heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to crashed
heroku[web.1]: State changed from crashed to starting
heroku[web.1]: Process exited with status 137

From the logs we can clearly see that the server started successfuly but was shut down after a 60 seconds timeout because it failed to bind to $PORT.

Heroku expects us to bind to a random port number that they assign to the PORT environment variable. However our server code is currently hardcoded to use port 6767.

We can fix that quite easily by reading from the PORT enviroment variable and defaulting to 6767 if it doesn’t exist.

fn get_server_port() -> u16 {

server.listen(("", get_server_port()));

After we fixed that issue our live site runs just fine!

Running Live Site

You may just head over to and give it a try. It also contains the mentioned URL parser improvement so that one can enter repositories in the form of user/repo. You can find the entire code of this demo project here on Github.

Now, wouldn’t that be a nice start for your first Nickel project?

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Written by  Author

Christoph Burgdorf