Sponsoring AngularConnect. Again.
AngularConnect has been an awesome conference with many people of the Angular community, coming from all over the world to get together, listen to excellent talks and make new friends. Last year we sponsored the conference as we believe in the spirit of the Angular world and we always try the best we can do to push and support the community.

Today we are very happy to announce that we’re going to sponsor AngularConnect again! It’s going to take place on the 27th and 28th September in London. And of course, we won’t just show up there without doing anything special.
We’ll be running our “Angular 2 Master Class: Jump Start” one day before the conference, in which you’ll have the chance to learn how to build your first Angular 2 application!
The training will be a single-day training covering the introductory part of our Angular 2 Master Class experience. However, we will have material for tons of topics, so if you want to dive into anything specific, don’t hesitate to ask!
Tickets will be on sale soon, so you should go to angularconnect.com and watch this space. If you can’t afford a ticket, even better. Go and submit a talk about your learnings, experiences and thoughts on anything Angular.
We are looking very forward to meeting you there at both, the Training and the conference!